Commercial Development – Building Certification

Building certification from Brisbane to Gold Coast
Whether building a residential development, a commercial building, or an addition to an existing property, a building permit and certification is required to ensure safety and compliance with relevant building codes in your area.
A building certification from a private certifier confirms that your building is compliant with local and state regulations.
This also applies to future developments or subdivisions.
A1 Certifiers, a team of building certifiers Australia, are:
A1 Certifier- Private Certifiers Brisbane Services
Our accredited building certifiers on the Gold Coast, in Brisbane and throughout Qld provide building permits for
Contact A1 Certifier, the qualified building certification consultants.
Don’t delay organizing your building permits and risk non-compliance. We can help you ensure your building project meets industry standards and regulations. We provide our service throughout Queensland, including Northern Territory and Western Australia.

What Is Building Certification?
In Queensland, it is a legal requirement to assess buildings and structures against the Building Assessment Regulations. These provisions include:
Regardless of the size or scope of your building project, A1 Certifiers, the professional private building certifier Qld, offers the highest level of service. Our experienced construction industry professionals can certify your project through all construction phases to ensure a smooth process.
The building certifier will also cover the relevant permits and documentation required throughout the construction process, which must be submitted to your local council.
What is included with my fee?
Building Certification Proposal
Ready to go? To get started we need

Signed agreement (refer attached owner consent and engagement confirmation)

Fees paid in full & receipt of payment sent to

Architectural Documentation inclusive of the following drawn by a suitably qualified person
Building Certification Proposal
Quote & Assessment

Provide plans
for quote

Quote sent
back to you

Sign Agreement &
make payment

Administration & Assessment carried out by certifier/town planner

Certifier issues request for information (IR)
Pending Approval

Send in requested docs from information request

Certifier assesses new information

Pending plans have been provided and are all correct

Plans approved & documents put together

Approval lodged with council & sent to applicant
Approved & finalising

Building works can

Notify When building works is complete & book required inspection

Provide forms, certificates & photos

Required inspections
carried out

Certifier issues final approval
form 21 (17 if pool)